Student Support Services

“The learning resource teacher provides explicit and focused instruction in the resource room for their students. They are also the primary facilitators for differentiated instruction in the classroom. As they develop educational plans for students with learning differences and encourage teachers to make accommodations and/or modifications for them in the classroom, learning resource teachers are instrumental in making learning accessible and meaningful for these students.”
(Special Education: A Handbook for Christian Schools, OACS)
Program strengths:
- professionally certified staff and consultants
- differentiation in the classroom
- positive learning environment
- Focus on early intervention
- Ongoing and Specific Goal Development
- Kinesthetic Activities
- Individual and Small group learning
- Modified Math and Reading programs
- Caring Educational Assistants to promote independence and accommodations in the classroom.
What you can do…
You know your child best and Beacon Christian School loves your input! Communication and support happen when we collaborate. Here are some ways you can help:
- Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher.
- Read the daily agenda.
- If you or your child is unsure about an assignment or issue, please contact the school to keep communication positive and helpful.
- Break down long assignments into smaller, more manageable steps for your child. Use a calendar to write down daily steps rather than recording just a due date. (Remember to plan for days off, like family or church days.)*
- You are your child’s cheerleader! Speak about school and homework positively. Encourage your child. If tension arises, take a break and come back to the issue later.
Beacon Christian School strives to be a collaborative community. Parents play a valuable part in our school.
Student Support Services at Beacon Christian School…
- provides support, often with an educational assistant (EA), within the classroom for core subjects such as math and reading when necessary
- provides modified math and reading programs in the resource room
- reviews and assesses student progress and programming, recording information on the student’s IEP or Student Profile
- provides anecdotal progress reports once each term for students receiving special education services on a regular basis
- supports students whose social or emotional difficulties interfere with their learning
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Student Profiles
Students receiving assistance from the support staff will have a yearly Student Profile or Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Student Profile describes program adaptations and/or modifications and the special services that are to be provided for the student. At Beacon Christian School, an IEP is written for students with a diagnosed disability. When the specific disability is unknown, but accommodations have been made to the student’s classroom learning, a Student Profile is composed which is similar to an IEP but less specific about medical details.
Enduring Understanding
- You are worthwhile and exactly the way GOD created you to be!
- We all learn differently and we all need to discover how GOD created us to learn best.